A few things can be going on leading to the fatigue and poor cognitive function that your'e experiencing.
- First, are you eating enough food? What are you eating on a typical High day and Low day?
- Are you doing intermittent fasting and protein cycling three days a week? How long are your fasts? How many grams of protein are you getting in on High and Low days? For some people a 16-hour fast is too long to start out with. Consider reducing your fasting window to 12 hours and gradually working your way up as your body allows. You might also consider slightly increasing your protein intake and see if energy and cognition improve.
- What are you doing for exercise? Are you over-training or working out in a more strenuous manner on Low days? Consider a more gentle form of exercise for now as your body adapts to the program.
We recommend focusing on these areas first and if you are still feeling fatigued, we suggest working with your doctor or a local Integrative medicine provider to see if there are any other contributing factors to your fatigue. Sometimes looking a little more in depth at thyroid function can be helpful. Adrenal gland fatigue, hormone imbalances and iron deficiency/anemia can also result in fatigue and are worth exploring.
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