There certainly is a lot of conflicting information out there making it difficult to figure out what the best way of eating is for your body. The Glow15 plan is not a ketogenic diet. There is no need to count grams of carbs or test ketone levels. The Glow15 plan emphasizes activating autophagy, which benefits health in many ways. The plan does entail a lower carbohydrate diet, with an emphasis on eating carbs later in the day. This is helpful in keeping blood sugar and insulin levels balanced throughout the day. The optimal carbohydrate intake will vary from person to person on the Glow15 plan depending on each individual's unique needs. Some people find they they feel better on a ketogenic diet and choose to modify the plan accordingly. Overall, the Glow15 program is a balanced lifestyle plan in which participants enjoy a wide array of improvements in their health and well-being after following the program for as little as 15 days!
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